Page:Results of meteorological observations, 1894.djvu/8

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Introduction ... ... ... ... ... 1

Astronomical department ... ... ... ... 2

Meteorological department ... ... ... ... 3

Initials to indicate general weather ... ... ... v

Monthly reports of meteorological observations ... ... 7

General abstract showing means and extremes of different meteorological elements ... ... ... ... 43

Table I. Averages and extremes of different meteoro- logical elements during 25 years ... 45

II. Meteorological summary for the year 1894 ... 48

III. Normal pressure for each day of the year computed from the observations of 25 years ... .... ... ... 58

IV, V, YI & VII Mean indications of the baro- meter and thermometer at 4 A.M. and 10 A.M., 4 P.M. and 10 P.M., from 1870 to 1894 ... ... ... 61

,, VIII. Monthly means of pressure for 25 years reduced to sea-level ... ... 76

IX. Monthly oscillations of pressure for each month of 25 years ... ... 78

,, X. Comparison of monthly means for 1894 with the averages of 25 years ... ... 80

,, XI & XII. Highest maximum and lowest minimum temperatures during past 25 years ... 84

XIII. Normal temperature of each day of the year calculated from the observations of 25 years ... ... ... ... 88

XIV. -Mean temperature of the air for each month of 25 years ... ... ... 90

XV. Normal daily difference between wet and dry bulb thermometers for 25 years ... 92

XVI. Mean monthly and annual difference between wet and dry bulb thermometers for 25 years ... ... ... ... 94

XVII. Mean relative humidity for each month of 25 years ... ... ... 96

XVIII. Normal daily elastic force of aqueous vapour calculated from the means of 25 years ... 98