Page:Results of meteorological observations, 1894.djvu/9

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Page. Table XIX. Monthly and annual elastic force of aqueous vapour for 25 years ... ... 100

,, XX. Mean cloud proportion for each month of 25 years ... ... ... 101

XXI. Mean velocity of the wind for each month of 25 years ... ... ... 102

XXII Rainfall and the amount of evaporation for each day of the month for the year 1894 ... ... ... ... 104

,, XXIII. Normal rainfall of each day calculated for 29 years ... ... ... 108

XXIV. Monthly and annual rainfall for 29 years ... 110

XXV. Summer and winter rainfall ... 112

XXVI. Number of days on which rain fell in 29 years, from 1866 to 1894 ... ... 114

,, XXVII. Wind and rain limits of north-east monsoon for 28 years, from 1867 to 1894 ... 116

,, XXVIII. Mean rainfall during 25 years, from 1870 to 1894, tabulated under each of the eight principal points of the compass ... 120

XXIX. Mean number of rainy days during 25 years from 1870 to 1894, tabulated under the eight principal points of the compass ... 121

XXX. Wind observations during 25 years, from 1870 to 1894, with the monthly resultant direction and percentage ... ... 122

XXXI. Spectroscopic and other observations on rainy days ... ... ... 126

XXX1L Observations of crops and trees in 1894 ... 129

XXXIII. Harvest for 28 years ... ... 130

Mean time of the rising and setting of the sun at Vizagapatam for every tenth day of the year ... ... ... 131

List of presents received ... ... ... ... 132


I. Annual variation of pressure

II. Annual variation of temperature

III. Annual variation of pressure of vapour

IV. Annual variation of humidity

V. Annual variation of cloud proportion

VI. Rainfall for 29 years

VII. Mean rainfall and rainy days in curve forming wind-rose