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chapter) gave glory and honour, and thanks to him that ſat opon the throne, who liveth for ever and ever; the four and twenty elders fell down before him that ſat upon the throne, and worſhipped him for ever and ever; and caſt their crowns before the throne, ſaying, Thou an worthy, O Lord, to receive honour and power; thou haſt created all things, and for thy pleaſure they are and were created.'
Could we have a proſpect, though in a viſion, of holy men, whole ſouls are redeemed from the earth, and triumphing, ſing praiſes and hallelujahs in the highed heaven ; with what wonder and amaſement the riches and mercy of our bleſſed Lord, tranſport and carry them away; we would truly and ſeelingly I ſay, with the apoſtle, 'It is good for us ‘to be here; that is, to be in a state and poſſibility of gaining the like happy viſion of the divine beatitude ; we ſhould then look upon every thing elſe as dark and dull, and conclude them but droſs and dung. St. Paul, when wrapt into the third heavens, though he knew not whether in the fleſh or ſpirit, ſaw and heard things ſo unutterable, that his tongue perhaps was not capable of expreſſing words ſuitable to give mankind