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an account of them, tho’ he had thought ſir, or been diſpoſed to reveal them, and after that we find his mind inflamed after fuller fruition of them; life itſelf (that was to diſmiſs him from the lower world) ſeemed tedious to him, and made him court death, the king of terrors, ſo dreadful to the greateſt part of men, to ſet him at liberty, as appears by his deſiring to ‘be diſſolved, and to 'be with Chrift.’ Whilſt worldlings are contending for earthly treaſure, that is of small duration, and cannot give the least real content, let us raiſe our ſouls to take a proſpect of the true riches, the treaſures of everlaſting duration, even the riches of Chriſt’s mercy and love towards miserable ſinners; who, when laid in darkneſs and the ſhadow of death, gave his life a ranſom for us, to appeaſe his Father’s juftice.
O let not the confideration of worldly treaſure make you turn aside from following this rich mine, this golden vein of heavenly treaſure; let nothing ſtand in competition, or be thought too dear to part withal upon this account, ſo that we may not loſe, for trifles, this moſt excellent of all riches promiſed to us in the goſpel.