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LATIN. 16 Appendix to Bennett's Latin Grammar. By Professor Charles E. Bennett. Cornell University. For uni- versity work. Z2ino, cloth, 246 pages. Price, 80 cents. THE purpose of this book is to give such information regard- ing the history and development of the Latin language as experience has shown to be of service to advanced students. The subjects treated are the Latin Alphabet, Pronunciation, Hidden Quantity, Accent, Orthography, The Latin Sounds, Inflections, Adverbs and Prepositions, and Syntax. Of these subjects, those of Hidden Quantity, Inflections, and Syntax re- ceive special attention ; and the results of recent investigation are set forth fiilly and clearly, but in compact form. Professor Edoaard Wblfflin, in the Archiv fUr Laieinischt LexikograpkU und Grammatik, February, 1896. Auf geringem Raume ist viel wis- senswiirdiges zusammengedr&ngt, und zwar mit praktischem Geschicke ; zwei Iftngere Listen get>en die lateinischen WOrter von bestrittener Quan? tit&t und Ortbographie. wobei die Ansltze von Marx oft berichtigt sind. . . . Die deutsche Wissenschaft wird sich nur freuen dass das amerikan- ische Schulwesen ein so brauchbares Hilfsmittel gewonnen hat. ProfeMor Hermann Ostholf, University of Heidelberg: Steht auf der HOhe des heutigen Wissens. Professor Harry Thurston Peck, Columbia College^ N, Y. : It is no exag- geration to say that so - compact, helpful, and practical a collection of indispensable information cannot be found elsewhere in any language whatsoever. Even in Germany, the home of classical enchiridia. nothing has yet appeared that is so satisfactory. Professor Bennett seems to divine by instinct just what questions arise in the mind of the student, and he here answers them in advance in a delightfully lucid and simple faishion. . . . Everywhere the best authorities are cited ; and it is certain that to many teachers, as well as students, the mere perusal of this little manual will open up many new vistas, and will put them in touch with the most scholarly doctrine of the day. In &ct the book is one that no pro- gressive instructor can afford to be without, as it summarises an immense amount of information that is of the utmost practical importance. Complete Edition. BgNNKTT's Latin Grammar and Appendix in one volume, zsmo, half leather, 282 + 246 pages. Price, lx.35.