Page:Roman Constitutional History, 753-44 B.C..djvu/314

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88 LATIN. Liuy, Books L, XXL, and XXII. With Introduction and Notes by Professor J. H. Westcott, Princeton University, zamo. cloth, 426 pages. Price, lx.25. AN attempt has been made in this volume to present in simple and convenient form the assistance needed by young stu- dents making their first acquaintance with Livy. The editor's experience in the class-room has led him to anno* tate the text copiously. On the other hand, that fulness of illus* tration which apparently aims to supersede the function of the teacher has been carefully avoided. Professor James H. Dillard, Tklane University, New Orleans, La,: I should like to say that Westcott's Uvy is the most satis&ictory text-book that I know of. Other works may put on a greater show of learning ; but when one comes to every-day class-room use, the editing of this text is found to be exceptionally satisfactory. Professor Charles E. Bennett, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y, : It seems to me an excellent book. The notes are exceedingly fresh and scholarly ; they call attention to the right things in the right way. This edidon is superior to any similar edition with which I am acquainted* Fifty Stories from Aulas Gellius. Edited for reading at sight by Professor JOHN H. Westcott, Princeton University. i6mo. paper, 81 pages. Price, 30 cents. THIS is a collection of interesting stories, which form excel- lent material for sight-reading. The Notes, which are quite fUll, are at the bottom of the page. One Hundred and Twenty Epigrams of Martial. Edited by Professor John H. Westcott. z6mo, paper, 8z pages. Price, 30 cents. THIS selection is intended for rapid reading, or even for sight- reading with students of sufficient ability. For the sake of convenience and rapidity in reading, the not^ have been placed on the pages with the text.