Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/16

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which I gave you; keep it; and looking on it, ſometimes ſay, "The unhappy maid who gave it me, would have made me happy, if my happineſs had depended on her only." But, no; forget me rather, and never mention my name; I would not leave you ideas which might diſturb the tranquility of your mind. Adieu, Romeo; go, retire. Alas! I tremble, even while I ſpeak to you! Heavens! if my father, or any of my relations, ſhould ſurprize you in this place——


Dear enemy! dear ſoul of my heart! that ſame Heaven which you call to witneſs, knows that I would obey you if I could obey you; but the love with which I am penetrated, renders me incapable of ſo great an effort; nothing frightens me. To loſe my life, would be to me far preferable to the being deprived of the happineſs of ſeeing you. From the firſt moment I ſaw you, I felt the moſt ſincere and perfect paſſion, and you are not ignorant how well you deſerve it. When, afterwards, I knew your name; when I conſidered all the diſgraces which ſo dangerous an engagement ſeemed to promiſe; I endeavoured to break my chain; it was already too ſtrong: Love is pleaſed to overcome obſtacles; Love levels all difficulties. If he deigns to favour us, we might, charming Juliet—


Alas! what hopes could you have?
