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Marino, who, doubtleſs, were not well hid: they bring them all three priſoners on the ſtage, and conſult together what kind of death they ſhall make them ſuffer.

In this conjuncture Antonio remembers his oath, embraces Romeo, and afterwards relates what has happened to him. The company at firſt think he has loſt his ſenfes, but at laſt he pacifies them; count Paris, who is preſent, and piques himſelf on his greatneſs of ſoul, contributes greatly thereto.

To render this ſudden converſion more affecting, it is reſolved (in order to cement the peace) to marry Dorothea to Romeo. Juliet, who overhears all, appears, and oppoſes this marriage: at the ſight of her, the fright of the company gives way to ſurprize, and joy ſucceeds their ſurprize. At length, when they learn that Romeo has taken her from the arms of death, they judge that he has a lawful right to her; their union is ratified, Anſelmo eſpouſes the daughter of Theobald, and the brave Marino receives the hand of Celia, with a thouſand ducats, which are made him a preſent of as her marriage portion.