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"You are not ignorant," adds he, "that an implacable hatred for ever ſeparates the Montagues and Capulets: this hatred is hereditary in the two families; we feel it from our cradles, it becomes more rancorous as we grow older, and our mutual diſcords have an hundred times bathed the fields of Verona. What a project do you meditate? How will you excuſe yourſelf to your father, if he diſcovers that you have been in an houſe which he abhors? It is a fault which he will never pardon. Beſides, you throw yourſelf into the power of your moſt inveterate enemies. Have you not reaſon to fear their murdering you, or, at leaſt, affronting and inſulting you groſly?"

"My dear Anſelmo," replies Romeo, "deign to forget your prudence for a moment; grant me this mark of friendſhip; I feel a kind of ſupernatural tranſport which impels me to enter the houſe of Antonio. The feſtival will, no doubt, have collected together the principal ladies of the Capulet faction; we ſhall ſee and admire them, and I have formed a very flattering idea; for it ſeems as if Heaven had been careful to ſhare its gifts equally between their faction and ours: the Montagues have produced men of matchleſs ſtrength and valour; among the Capulets, have always been ſeen ladies of ſuch uncommon beauty, that one would imagine Nature had modelled them after
