Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/5

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ſome divine beauty[1]. Would to God, that Love might terminate our diſputes, and Hymen reconcile both parties! How happy ſhould we be! The moſt flouriſhing cities in the univerſe would have reaſon to envy the citizens of Verona."

Anſelmo perſiſts in oppoſing this project, and does not conſent to the caprice of Romeo without great difficulty. At laſt, being both agreed, they reſolve to go maſked, in order more certainly to gain admittance into their enemy's houſe. Marino, valet to Romeo, trembles for his maſter and himſelf; his fear and diſcourſe render this part extremely comic.

As ſoon as the three preceding actors make their exit, the decorations of the theatre are changed. The ſcenes repreſent a magnificent and ſpacious garden, in which a number of ladies and gentlemen are ſitting, and others walking about as their fancy leads them; a band of muſicians is ſeen at the farther end, who from time to time draw ſome ſtrokes with their bows. In a word, the ſcene repreſents to the eyes of the ſpectator a grand ball, which is ſuppoſed to be in the houſe of Antonio.

  1. This expreſſion comes near the Spaniſh, but ſoftens the idea a little. Lopez de vega, ſays Mugeres, de tal belleza quo hurzo la naturaleza ha eſtampa à los ſerafines. This ſignifies, ladies adorned with ſo many charms, that Nature to form them ſtole the model of the beauty of the ſeraphims.
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