Page:Rossetti papers, 1862 to 1870 (1903).djvu/69

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34.— Anne Gilchrist to William Rossetti.


23 November 1863.

My dear Mr Rossetti,—I had a letter this morning from a cousin of mine who is acquainted with Mr Maitland of Stansted Hall, announcing that the latter had just bought a magnificent copy of Blake's Jerusalem with a MS. Life etc. — in fact, the Blamire Jerusalem with Tatham's memoir. . . .

My cousin says the portrait of Mrs Blake has Richmond's signature. . . .

I have seen both Mr Palgrave's reviews, and of course like them much; they are very genial. . . .

I have a friend staying with me, some of whose relatives were intimate with John Varley, and had their nativities cast by him, which continue down to the present year to come astoundingly true! With kindest remembrances to Miss Rossetti,—Yours very truly,

Annie Gilchrist.

35.— Anne Gilchrist to William Rossetti.


25 November 1863.

Dear Mr Rossetti,—Now that I have the work before me in its present beautiful form, I feel with fresh emphasis the magnitude and rare quality of your own and your Brother's services to it—pious services truly, for which, I believe, the dead as well as the living bless you both.

I have had a very brief note from Mr Linnell to the effect that, if (as he thinks probable) a second edition is called for, he will have a few suggestions to make concerning it.