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camp for the night We want everything in first-class shape, so that if a storm comes our things won't get soaked."

"Oh, don't say storm!" cried Fred. "I don't want to see rain."

"We are bound to get some, Fred, sooner or later."

The fishing outfits were put away, and once more the boat moved over the bosora of the lake. They had passed three other boats and saw one camp on the north shore.

"Hope we find the Point deserted," said Dick.

"So do I," answered Tom. "We want to camp all by ourselves this time."

It was not long before they came in sight of the shore and the rocky Point. Not a soul was in sight. They brought the boat around to a little cove and all leaped ashore. Near at hand was the remains of a campfire, but it looked a week or more old.

"Nobody here," said Dick.

"What an ideal spot for camping!" was Fred's comment, as he gazed around. And he was right. The shore sloped gently down to the water's edge, and was backed up by a patch of woods. Among the trees were some rocks, and between them a spring of clear, cold water. Not far off was the cove, where the sailboat could be tied up.