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"Well, what's the first thing to do?" questioned Tom.

"Cut poles for the tent, and also cut some fire wood," answered Dick. "Bring out the hatchets, fellows!"

Two hatchets had been brought along, and all hands were soon at work, getting the camp into shape and starting a fire. Dick selected the poles for the tent and cut them down and trimmed them. Fred built the fire, and Sam cleaned the fish. Then everybody took a hand at raising the tent and fastening it down tightly with pegs. A trench was dug at the rear of the canvas covering, so that if it rained the water would run off towards the lake. The tent was a large one, and in the rear they stored their extra clothing and food. Then they cut down boughs for bedding and got out their blankets.

"The water is boiling," announced Fred, who had put a kettle on some sticks over the fire.

"Well, now the tent is fixed, we'll have supper," said Dick, who had been made leader. "I reckon we are all hungry enough."

"I know I am," said Sam.

"I dink I could eat a leetle," said Hans, winking one eye laboriously.

"Want a piece of fried water snake, Hans?" asked Tom, dryly.