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"And we are like the frogs at the bottom of the well!" added Dick, grimly. He felt a little weak, but otherwise was all right.

"I looked around when we had the light of that torch," said Tom, "but I didn't see any place where a fellow could climb out, did you?"

"Nary a spot, Tom," answered Sam. "The walls were all as smooth and as slippery as glass."

"Do you think they mean to leave us here to die?" asked Dick.

"I shouldn't think they'd be as heartless as all that," came from Tom. "They'd be afraid of consequences."

An hour went by—just then it was an age—and at last the boys saw a glimmer of light approaching. It flickered and flared over the walls for fully a minute and then commenced to fade.

"Somebody went past, through the main cave!" cried Tom. "Wonder who it was?"

"The Sobber crowd most likely," returned Dick.

"But it might be somebody else!" cried Sam. "I'm going to yell and find out."

He raised his voice in a loud call, and Tom and Dick joined in. Several minutes went by, and they called again. Then they saw the flickering of the light once more.

"Who is there?" came faintly to their ears.