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"This way! This way!" shouted one Rover boy after another.

"Be careful of where you step!" cautioned Tom.

"Where are you?"

"This way!" they answered, and kept calling until the light of a ship's lantern came into view, and they saw Captain Wells and Larry Dixon approaching.

"Well, I never!" ejaculated the captain of the steam tug, as he came to a halt on the brink of the blackish pool. "How in the world did you git down there?"

"Help us out first, and then we'll tell you," re plied Dick, quickly.

"Didn't you meet our enemies?" asked Tom.

"Nary a soul have we met since we landed," answered the captain.

"Which way did you enter the cave?" asked Sam.

"By the slit in the rocks—where you came in," answered Larry Dixon. "I watched you disappear, and afterwards I heard some yelling. Then I got scared and ran down to the shore and signalled for the steam tug to come in. I told the cap'n all I knew, and he came ashore with a lantern to see what was wrong—and here we be."

"You've come in the nick of time," said Dick.