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"No, I'm no tale-bearer, Songbird. But he ought to be punished."

"He'll make a fine major, if he's elected," went on Powell, as he and Dick started for the road leading to the academy.

"He shall never be elected, if I can help it."

"I am with you on that."

They found Harry Moss and Joe Davis walking slowly toward Putnam Hall. Joe seemed to feel all right now that he was out in the fresh evening air, but Harry complained of a strange sickness at the stomach.

"It was horrid of Lew Flapp to make us drink," said the young cadet. "I told him I didn't want anything stronger than soda. But he and Pender made me take it."

"I think the walk will do you good, Harry," answered Dick kindly. "Here, take my arm, and Songbird can take your other arm."

When the Hall was reached they found that Lew Flapp and his cronies had already gone to bed. Dick took Harry and Joe to their dormitory and then rejoined Powell.

"Going to keep mum?" asked the latter.

"For the present," answered the eldest Rover. "But after this let us keep a sharp eye on Flapp, Pender & Company."

And so it was agreed.