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On the following morning all of the cadets but Harry Moss appeared in the messroom.

"Joe Davis says Harry is quite sick," said Powell to Dick.

"That's too bad. Have they sent for a doctor?"

"I don't know."

When Lew Flapp heard that Harry was sick he grew pale, and during the morning session could scarcely fix his mind on his studies.

"I hope the little fool don't blab on us," was his thought. "If he does there is no telling what the captain will do. He's altogether too strict for comfort in some things."

No doctor was sent for, so it was finally agreed that Harry Moss was not as ill as had been sup posed. But the young cadet did not enter the schoolroom for all of that day.

The sickness had frightened Captain Putnam, who was not yet over the scarlet fever scare, and be questioned Harry thoroughly about what he