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away. A moment later she left the store, and her companion went with her.

"My, but they were shy!" laughed Fender. "Rockley, you didn't make any impression at all. Nor you either, Flapp."

"Humph! Wonder who they are?" murmured Lew Flapp.

"Let's ask the storekeeper and find out."

"Those girls are twins," said the proprietor of the establishment.

"Twins!" cried Rockley. "They didn't look it—not by their difference in sizes."

"But they did in looks," said Pender. "What are their names?"

"The tall one is Alice Staton and the other is Helen Staton. Their father is the local constable, although he runs a big farm for a living."

"Do they come here often?"

"Pretty often. But they are very shy girls and don't hardly speak to anybody. They are both studying to be school-teachers."

In the meantime Helen Staton and her sister Alice were hurrying down the main street of Oakville with flushed cheeks.

"I don't think those cadets were very nice," said Helen.

"Certainly they were not very good-looking,"