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replied Alice. "And I thought they smelt a little of liquor."

"The idea of their saying they would show us the way to the camp! I guess papa can drive us there if we want to go."

"I'd like to see it. But I shouldn't want to go with those boys," went on Alice.

"Perhaps papa can take us," said Helen. "But come, we promised mamma we'd hurry back as soon as we could."

To get home the two girls had to walk for a considerable distance along the road leading to Bass Lake.

On the way they passed the farm of one Isaac Klem, a man who took great pride in his poultry and his cattle. Klem had forty cows, and two bulls which were worth a good deal of money.

One of the bulls, a black, vicious looking fellow, was tied up in a small lot at the corner of the farm.

The girls were just walking past this lot when Helen happened to glance over her shoulder and set up a cry of alarm.

"Oh, Alice, Mr. Klem's black bull is loose!"

"Where, Helen?" queried her twin sister.

"There he is, at the fence. See, he is trying to get over!"

The fence she mentioned was of stones piled