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down to some real work. Clap! clap! went the bag, this way and that.

"Yes, I can do that, too," answered the tall boy.

"I'd like to see you."

Lew Flapp was only too anxious to show his, skill, and having adjusted the bag to suit him, he went at the work once again, doing just what Dick had done.

"Now do this!" he cried, and gave a performance of his most difficult exercise. It was certainly well executed and at the conclusion many of the cadets began to applaud.

"Dick Rover will have to hump himself to do that," remarked one.

"I don't believe he can touch it," said another.

With care Dick fixed the bag and went at the exercise. It was something he had not practiced for a considerable time, yet he did not miss a stroke, and he wound up with a speed fully equal to that exhibited by his opponent.

"Good for you, Dick!" cried Larry heartily.

"They'll have to call it a tie," suggested another cadet.

"I'm not done yet," said Dick. "Can you do this?" he asked of Lew Flapp, and then commenced an exercise he had learned some time before, from a boxing instructor. It was full of