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intricate movements, all executed so rapidly that the eye could scarcely follow them. The cadets looked on in wonder, Lew Flapp staring angrily at the performance.


"I didn't know Dick Rover could do such punching!"

"Say, Flapp, you'll have to get up early in the morning to beat that."

"Oh, you shut your mouth!" retorted Lew Flapp angrily. "I can do ten times better, if I want to."

"Let us see you."

"I—I—I'm in no condition to go ahead just now. Remember, I was punching the bag for an hour before Rover got here."

"How can that be, when all of us just came from the mess hall?" questioned Larry.

"He's trying to sneak out of the trial," said a voice in the rear of the crowd.

"I'll sneak you!" roared Lew Flapp, in a rage. "I want you all to know that I ain't afraid of Dick Rover, or anybody else."

"Do you want the trial to continue?" questioned Dick, in an even tone.

"Didn't I just say I was tired out? But I'll show you what I can do some time," blustered Lew Flapp.