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first they were inclined to laugh, but Dora stopped herself and her cousins.

"Don't let us laugh at him," she whispered. "It is hard enough for the poor fellow as it is."

"I am not going to notice him after this," said Nellie. "To me he shall be an entire stranger." And the others agreed to treat Dan Baxter in the same manner.

But the boys were not so considerate, and Tom laughed outright when he caught sight of Baxter swabbing up some dirt on the rear deck. This made the bully's passion arise on the instant and he caught up his bucket as if to throw it at Tom's head.

"Don't you dare, Baxter!" cried Tom. "If you do we'll have a red-hot war."

"I can lick you, Tom Rover!"

"Perhaps you can and perhaps you can't."

Baxter put up his fists, but on the approach of Dick and Sam he promptly retreated. But before he went he hissed in Tom's ear:

"You wait, and see what I do!"

"He had better keep his distance," said Dick. "If he doesn't, somebody will get hurt."

"I suppose it galls him to work," said Sam. "He always was rather lazy."

The day proved a nice one, and the Rover