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had passed along the rail from the place of the accident to the stern.

"Perhaps he caught hold somewhere," said Sam, who was unwilling to believe that his brother had really perished.

They had just gained the stern and were looking over when a call came from out of the darkness.

"He—help! Help!"

"It's Tom!" screamed Dick in delight "Tom, is that you?"

"Yes! Help!"

"Where are you?"

"Holding on to a rope. Help me quick. I—I can't hold on mu—much longer!"

"We'll help you," answered Dick.

Captain Blossom was called and more lanterns were lit, and then a Bengal light, and Tom was seen to be holding fast to a rope which had in some manner fallen overboard and become entangled in the rudder chain.

By the aid of the boat-hook the rope was hauled up and to the side of the Golden Wave. At the same time the sails were lowered, and then a rope ladder was thrown down. Dick descended to the edge of the waves, and, watching his chance, caught Tom by the collar of his coat. Then the brothers came slowly to the deck.