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Another rainy spell, lasting three days, followed, but after that the sky cleared in a fashion which Captain Blossom thought betokened good weather for some time to come.

"We can now explore the seven islands and learn just what they contain," he said.

The question now arose as to who should go along and who should stay at home with the girls. Lots were cast, and by this it was de cided that the exploring party should consist of Captain Blossom, Sam, and Tom, leaving Dick and old Jerry with Dora, Nellie, and Grace.

It was decided that the exploring party should take the lightest of the rowboats and enough provisions to last for a week. Each was also provided with a pistol, and Captain Blossom carried a rifle in addition.

"If all goes well we will be back inside of four days," said the captain, when he and Tom and Sam were ready to depart "But if we are not back at that time do not worry until at least