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Tom. "I saw a gorilla in a menagerie, and it was exactly like that beast. But what a big fellow he was!"

"Gorillas are highly dangerous, especially when cornered," said Captain Blossom. He himself was more frightened than he cared to admit. "They have been known to carry a man off in their arms and bite him to death."

"Thanks, but I want no gorillas around me," declared Sam.

They waited several minutes before advancing again. But the gorilla had disappeared, nor did it show itself again during that trip on the island.

Half an hour brought them in sight of the sea shore once more. They were gazing at the sea when Tom happened to glance back, and on the hill behind them saw four goats standing in a bunch, looking at them in astonishment.

"Quick! out of sight!" he cried, and dragged the others behind some trees.

"What did you see?"

"Several goats. Perhaps, if we are careful, we can get a shot at them. Fresh goat meat won't go bad."

"What's the matter with capturing some of the goats and getting the milk?" came from Sam.