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"He wants to be—be friends!" sobbed Dora. "He held my hand so I couldn't get away. Oh, how I despise him!"

"Just wait till Dick comes back; he'll make Baxter mind his own business."

"Oh, don't tell him, Grace."

"But I shall, Dora, Baxter has got to keep his distance. I hate him myself, and so does Nellie."

"I wish he and Mr. Lesher had kept their distance."

"Do you think they will really come here—I mean all of the sailors?"

"More than likely."

The girls continued their work, and for the time being Dan Baxter kept his distance. Jack Lesher continued to snore away in the hammock, nor did he rouse up when Dick and old Jerry returned.

"Dan Baxter!" cried Dick, as he leaped from the rowboat. "Where did you come from?" And then the story of the newcomers had to be told over again.

Dick eyed Jack Lesher with open disgust. "A man who will act like that has no welcome in our camp," he said to Baxter.

"You don't mean you are going to turn him out," said the bully, in alarm.