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placed in some water to cool it for drinking purposes.

As soon as Grace could get the chance she told Dick of the way Dan Baxter had treated Dora. At once Dick's face took on a stern look that boded the bully no good.

"I'll have a talk with him and come to an understanding," said the eldest Rover, and strode out of the house and to where Baxter was walking up the beach, picking up fancy-colored sea-shells.

"Look here, Baxter, I want to have an understanding with you," he said, catching the bully by the arm.

"What do you want now?"

"I want you to promise to leave Dora Stanhope alone in the future."

"How I treat her is none of your business," blustered the bully.

"But it is my business, Baxter."

"See here, Dick Rover, I won't be bossed by you!" howled the tall youth. "You mind your own business."

"If you touch her again, there will be trouble."

"What will you do?"

"I'll give you the worst thrashing you ever had in your life."