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sprawling. Baxter came down on some rough sea-shells, cutting his face and hands in several places.

"Oh! oh!" he howled. "Stop it!"

"I will not stop it, Dan Baxter, until you promise to let Dora Stanhope and the other girls alone in the future. They want nothing to do with you, and you must keep your distance."

"I—I didn't hurt anybody."

"Do you promise to let them alone?"

Without replying, the bully staggered to his feet. The blood was running from his nose and from a cut on his chin, and both of his hands were also bleeding.

"Do you want to kill me, Dick Rover?"

"I want you to behave yourself. Come, now, are you going to promise?"

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll give you the thrashing I promised."

"All right, I'm cornered, and can't help myself."

"Will you let the girls alone in the future?"

"Yes. If they don't want to be friends, I'm sure I can get along without them," answered Baxter sulkily.

"Very well; now see that you keep your