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"This is cave-investigating with a vengeance," said Tom, with something like a shiver.

"Never mind, Tom, we won't die of thirst anyway."

"Do you think this is a laughing matter, Sam?"

"No, I don't. I'd give a good deal to be out of this hole and out of the cave also."

"I've got an idea. Let me climb on your shoulders and see if I can reach the top. that way."

Sam was willing, and soon Tom was balancing himself as best he could. He felt around with care, Sam moving from point to point as directed.

"Here is a sharp rock; I think I can pull myself up on that," said Tom. He tried with all of his strength and went up off Sam's shoulders. Then the youngest Rover heard him crawling around the wet flooring carefully.

When Tom felt fairly safe he brought out his water-proof match safe and lit a match. Then one of the torches was picked up and he lit that, but kept it partly sheltered, fearing another at tack from the bats.

By the aid of the torch, Sam was able to reach a sharp rock quite low down in the well hole, and when Tom gave him a hand he came