Page:Rover Boys on Treasure Isle.djvu/293

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"The treasure!"

The boys uttered the cry together and it thrilled those at the top of the opening as nothing else could have done.

"What's that?" cried Mr. Rover.

"We have found one of the chests," answered Dick.

"And it's full of gold pieces!" added Sam and Tom in a breath.

"Then this is the treasure cave after all," said Captain Barforth. "I must say you are in luck."

"I'd like to go down and have a look," put in Songbird eagerly. All wanted to look, and in the end they came down one after another by way of the rope. The rock on the chest was lifted away and the strong box was dragged forth into the light. Sure enough, it was filled with gold, just as Bahama Bill had said it would be.