Page:Rover Boys on Treasure Isle.djvu/294

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"Bahama Bill said there were three chests," said Mr. Rover, after the excitement of rinding so much wealth had somewhat subsided. "Do you see anything of the other two?"

"Not yet—but they must be somewhere near," answered his oldest son. Regardless of the danger of falling rocks, they commenced to dig around where the chest had been uncovered. They soon found a second chest, which contained more gold in leather bags, and also a quantity of jewelry and precious stones. Then, when they were almost ready to give up work for the day, they discovered the third chest, smashed flat under two heavy rocks, with its contents of gold scattered in all direc tions.

"We'll have to blow up those rocks to get all that gold," said Sam.

"Don't do that," warned Captain Barforth. "If you do you may cave in the whole roof and then the gold may be gone forever."

It was then decided to bring down the log and pry the rocks away, and late as it was this was done, and they scooped up the loose golden pieces and put them in their pockets.

"It's a fine lot o' money," was the comment of Hollbrook, the sailor. "Wish some o' it was mine."