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handling goods which are backed by our reputation and bound to give satisfaction to their customers.

We are sorry that our relations so far have been very limited, and trust that you will kindly let us have your check in advance in payment of this order. In the meantime, please fill out the enclosed financial statement and return to us at your convenience, stating thereon sufficient references so that we can establish a basis for your further orders.

Let me assure you we will do all in our power to enable us to number you as one of our regular dealers.

Very truly yours, Credit Manager.

Refusing Credit.

Dear Sir:—

Thank you very kindly for your order amounting to $46.00.

However, I am genuinely sorry to have to state that the credit reports on file do not appear to warrant our shipping the order on open account. From these reports it seems that in the past you have been somewhat lax at times in taking care of credit when extended to you. This may have been due to pure carelessness on your part, or to some temporary local conditions.

If you will allow me to do so, and will accept it in the spirit in which it is given, I would like to urge you in a friendly way, to handle credit with every care. Credit is extended simply because of confidence that obligations will be paid promptly when due. Credit is so closely interwoven in our complex life, that neglect, even in trivial matters, as- sumes ab aspect of large proportions and can only result dis- astrously. Make your own collections promptly. Do not buy in too large quantities and try to make. fast turnovers.

Should you have any special problems confronting you, we shall be very glad to assist you wherever possible, and I want you to feel free at any and all times to ask our advice. If