Page:Roy Ralph Hottman - Practical Collection Procedure (1923).pdf/41

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you will kindly send us check for $46.00, we can ship your order immediately, and you may rest assured that as soon as we feel we can do so, we will gladly ship all of your require- ments on open account. Very truly yours, Credit Manager.

Because of Past Delinquency.

Dear Sir:—

Thank you for your order amounting to $165.00, which we have just received.

However, I am genuinely sorry that I do not feel it al- lowable for me to ship this on open account, in view of your delinquency in taking care of the credit extended on several oceasions in the past. Credit is of such importance in the present day, and is so easily shaken by neglect of it, even in small obligations, that I want to say frankly and in all sincerity that we have regretted extremely your failure to answer our correspondence at times. If you will allow me, I would like to urge you in a friendly way to handle your credit with every care. Watch your stocks carefully, do not overbuy, make your collections promptly, use good advertis- ing, and make all of your payments punctually when due.

I want you to feel free at any time to consult us if you think we can be of help in any way in overcoming any prob- lems that may arise. Our customers’ interests and our own interests are so closely allied, that what affects one, affects the other. If you will kindly send me your check for $35.00, and give me permission to ship the order under a sight draft, we can let it go forward at once.

You may rest assured that we will gladly do all in our power to enable us to ship you on open account again. I believe you have always been well pleased with our lines, and I know your customers have been satisfied. Although our advertising was heavy this past year, it is going to be