Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/195

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[Post-Captain of 1798.]

A Vice-President of the Bath Literary Society; a Visitor of the British Institution; and a Vice-President of the Society for promoting the building of Churches and Chapels.

This nobleman’s ancestors came into England with William the Conqueror, and were possessed of considerable estates in Suffolk. Sir Simon Pierrepont was summoned to Parliament in the 9th year of Edw. II. Robert, his descendant, was created Baron Pierrepont, Viscount Newark and Earl of Kingston, by Charles I. He had also the titles of Baron Manvers and Herriz. Henry, his son, was created Marquis of Dorchester in 1645; but dying without issue in 1680, the marquisate became extinct; it was, however, revived in the person of his younger brother Evelyn, who was afterwards advanced to the dukedom of Kingston. His Grace was the father of the celebrated Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and grandfather of Evelyn the last Duke, who died without issue in 1773, leaving the whole of his property to the Duchess, for her life, with reversion to his nephew, Charles Medows, Esq., formerly a Captain, R.N., upon condition of his assuming the family name of Pierrepont.

Mr. Medows married Anne Orton, youngest daughter and co-heiress of Mills, of Richmond, co. Surrey, Esq.; and by that lady had five children. He succeeded to his uncle’s estates on the demise of the Duchess in 1789; was created Viscount Newark and Baron Pierrepont, July 23, 1796; and Earl Manvers, April 1, 1806[1].

  1. Earl Manvers was the son of Lady Frances Pierrepont, sister to Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, and the. wife of Philip Medows, Esq., youngest son of Sir Philip Medows, Knight Marshal. He obtained the rank of Post-Captain Aug. 17, 1757, and resigned his commission in 1763. His Lordship vas much attached to the pursuit of agriculture; and in 1803 received a gold medal from the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, for his spirited exertions in sowing acorns and planting oaks on his estate. The Duke of Norfolk, who filled the chair on this occasion, paid him a just and handsome compliment upon the services rendered to his country, not only in war, but during his rural