Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/196

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Charles Herbert, the second son by the above marriage, and the subject of this sketch, was born Aug. 11, 1778; and on the 8th Jan. 1798, when commander of the Kingsfisher, a brig mounting 18 six-pounders, with a complement of 120 men, captured after a smart action, la Betsey, a French ship privateer of 16 guns and 118 men, 9 of whom were killed and wounded. The Kingsfisher had only 1 man wounded. Whilst in the same vessel, he also captured le Lynx of 10 guns and 70 men; l’Avantivia Ferolina, of 1 gun and 26 men; and l’Espoir of 2 guns and 39 men. He was made a Post-Captain into the Spartiate 74, (one of the prizes taken by Sir Horatio Nelson, in Aboukir Bay) Dec. 24, 1798; and returned to England in that ship about July 1799. He was subsequently appointed to the Dedaigneuse frigate, but resigned the command of her on the death of his elder brother, which took place Oct. 22, 1801[1].

From this period our officer represented the county of Nottingham in Parliament, until his accession to the Earldom, June 17, 1816. In 1820 he ordered the arrears of his half-pay, amounting to 1865 1. 9s. 6d., to be added to the funds of the Naval Charitable Society, together with all future half-pay to which he may be entitled from the Navy; the present annual amount of which is 261l. 5s. 6d.[2] In the following year he reduced the rents of his tenants 20 per cent.!!!

This munificent nobleman married, Aug. 21, 1804, the eldest daughter of Anthony Hardolph Eyre, Esq., his colleague in the representation of Nottinghamshire.

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford, and Son.

[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer is the only son of the late Dr. Nisbet, Physician in the island of Nevis, by the accomplished Miss

    retirement; and observed that he had not only maintained the ancient bulwarks of the empire, but had furnished materials for posterity to form new ones. His Lordship died June 17, 1816.

  1. The Kingsfisher was wrecked on the bar of Lisbon, when proceeding to sea from the Tagus, under the command of her first Lieutenant, a few days after Captain Pierrepont had joined the Spartiate.
  2. See Vol. I. note * at p. 66, and ditto at p. 504.