Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/200

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Guns. Men.
La Dame Villaret 74 69 Aug. 15, 1807
L’Hortense 8 90 Sep. 14,
L’Hirondelle 8 84 ___ 16,
Le Duquesne 17 123 ___ 23,
L’Alert 20 149 Oct. 14,
Total 58 515

Towards the close of 1809, we find Captain Bullard employed in the blockade of Guadaloupe, and assisting at the destruction of two French frigates in Ance la Barque, together with a heavy battery, by which they were defended[1]. The Blonde on this occasion had her first Lieutenant, a Master’s-Mate, and 5 men killed; Lieutenant C. W. Richardson, 1 Midshipman, and 15 men wounded. The following is an extract from the official report of the senior officer present to Sir Alex. Cochrane, commander-in-chief at the Leeward Islands, dated Dec. 18, 1809:

“To Captains Ballard and Miller all possible praise is due, for so judiciously placing their ships, in a situation nearly annihilating the enemy’s two frigates, of 40 guns each; the outer ship’s masts being gone, and herself on fire, by the time this ship (Sceptre) and the rest of the squadron, from baffling winds, could render assistance.”

The general order issued by Sir George Beckwith, after the reduction of Guadaloupe in Feb. 1810, will be found at pp. 879 and 880 of our first volume. Captain Ballard’s name is there mentioned in terms of high approbation, as also by the naval commander-in-chief, in his public letter announcing the conquest of that colony.

Captain Ballard married, Sept. 18, 1811, Arabella Sarah, eldest daughter of James Crabb, of Shidfield Lodge, Hants, Esq. His post-commission bears date Dec. 25, 1798.

Agent.– Thomas Stilwell, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer is descended from a respectable family in Devonshire, of which his father was a younger branch. His first cousin is a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Artillery.

He was born near Plymouth, about the year 1765; and entered the naval service as a Midshipman on board the