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captains of 1830.

ing, Charity, daughter of J. Theobald, of Grays, co. Essex, Esq.; and was promoted to the rank of captain, July 22d, 1830.

Agents.– Messrs. Goode and Clarke.

[Captain of 1830.]

Was a midshipman of the Tonnant 80, flag-ship of the Hon. Sir Alexander I. Cochrane, on the North American station; and “particularly distinguished himself” in leading a party of seamen to the assault of a battery, whilst serving under the immediate command of Captain Rowland Money, during the operations against New Orleans, Jan. 8th, 1815[1]. His first commission bears date Feb. 23d, 1815. From June 1816 until Dec. 1817, he served in the Lee sloop, Captain John Pasco, on the Plymouth station; and from Jan. 1819 until Dec. 1821, in the Active frigate. Captain Sir James A. Gordon, attached to the Halifax squadron. In 1823, he was successively appointed to the Windsor Castle 74, Captain (now Sir Charles) Dashwood, one of the guard-ships in Hamoaze; the Bann sloop. Captain John Filmore, fitting out for the African station; and the Owen Glendower frigate, already on that coast. In April 1824, he was made a commander; and on the 21st Aug, following, appointed to the Victor 18, which vessel appears to have been employed, first in the suppression of the slave trade, and afterwards in cruising against smugglers: she was paid off in Aug. 1827.

Captain Woollcombe obtained his present rank July 22d, 1830, previous to which he had commissioned and fitted out the Curlew sloop, destined to the East Indies.

Agents.– Messrs. Maude and Co.