Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/169

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boat, and through a sea covered with ice, have been noticed in Suppl. Part III. p. 171, et seq.

This officer’s next appointment was to the Frederikssteen 32, in which frigate he served under Captains Joseph Nourse and Francis Beaufort, in the Archipelago and on the south coast of Asia Minor, in 1810, 1811, and 1812[1].

On the 30th June, 1813, Lieutenant Gammon was appointed first of the Severn 40, Captain Nourse, fitting out for the North American station, where he was most actively employed until the final cessation of hostilities in 1815[2]. He obtained his present rank, “for long and active services,” May 27th, 1825.


We first find serving as passed midshipman on board the flag-ship of Sir John T. Duckworth, and volunteering to accompany Lieutenant (now Sir Nisbet J.) Willoughby to the attack of a large Spanish corvette, in the neighbourhood of Cuba, Feb. 1805[3]. He obtained his first commission on the 10th Oct. following; and distinguished himself as senior lieutenant of the Undaunted frigate, Captain Richard Thomas, at the reduction of a French fort on the smaller Medis island, coast of Catalonia, in Sept. 1811; and in the command of the boats of the Undaunted, Volontaire, and Blossom, at the capture and destruction of a national schooner and twenty merchant vessels, near the mouth of the Rhone, April 29th, 1812. He subsequently commanded the Clinker gun-brig, at Newfoundland and the Leeward Islands. His promotion to the rank he now holds took place on the 27th May, 1825.

Commander Eager married, June 29th, 1824, Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Commander James Bullock.