Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/185

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Obtained his first commission in March 1807; and was serving as lieutenant of the Stirling Castle 74, Captain Sir Home Popham, at the close of the war with France, in 1814. His subsequent appointments were, Nov. 7th, 1814, to the Martin sloop. Captain the Hon. James Arbuthnot; and Aug. 18th, 1818, to the command of the Grecian cutter. He was promoted to his present rank on the 27th July, 1825. Mrs. Martin died at Southsea, in Mar. 1820.


Was made a lieutenant on the 11th Dec. 1807. Previous to the peace he served in the Sheldrake sloop, Meteor bomb, and Bombay 74, and subsequently in the Spartan and Pyramus frigates, the latter commanded by Captain Francis Newcombe, C.B., at the Leeward Islands. He obtained his present rank on the 27th July, 1825.

This officer married, in 1815, Charlotte, only daughter of J. Camsell, Esq. of H.M. brewery at Weovil, near Gosport; and became a widower in Oct. 1827.


Was made a lieutenant on the 27th Dec. 1808. We first find him serving on the East India station, where he acted for some time as captain of the Blanche frigate; and, in July 1810, captured a French privateer of two guns and thirty men. On the 13th Dec. 1811, he was appointed to the Prince of Wales 98, in which ship he continued under the command of Captain (now Vice-Admiral) John E. Douglas, until June 1814. He afterwards served for several years under Captain William M‘Culloch, employed in the suppression of smuggling. He obtained his present rank, on the 29th July 1825; and was appointed an inspecting commander of the coast guard, April 13th, 1831.