Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/186

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Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Graham, R.M.; nephew to the late Hamilton Gorges, Esq. M.P. for county of Meath; and first cousin to the Marchioness of Thomond; by the daughter of the late Captain Philip Walsh, R.N., and grand-niece to the learned Dr. Vernon, first rector of Bloomsbury.

This officer was born at Stonehouse, co. Devon; and first went to sea in the Rambler sloop, Captain Thomas Innes, on the renewal of the war with France, in 1803. He afterwards served in the Uranie frigate, Captain the Hon. Charles Herbert, and Prince of Wales 98, successively bearing the flags of Sir Edward Thornbrough, Sir James (now Lord De) Saumarez, and the late Lord Gambier, which latter officer he followed into the Ville de Paris and Caledonia, first rates, subsequent to the bombardment of Copenhagen, in 1807.

After witnessing the destruction of some French ships of war, near l’Isle d’Aix, April 1809, Mr. Graham passed his examination, and proceeded as a volunteer to the river Scheldt, where he commanded a gun-boat during the occupation of Walcheren. On his return from that severe service, he was ordered to Lisbon, and there promoted to the command of the Triton hospital ship, by commission dated April 14th, 1810. Disliking so inactive a situation, he soon got removed into the Zealous 74, Captain Thomas Boys, and in the autumn of that year, was sent as a volunteer, in the command of several armed boats, to co-operate with the British troops at Alhandra, where he arrived the evening on which Wellington first occupied the famous lines of Torres Vedra, from which period he was very actively employed under the orders of Lieutenant (now Captain) Maurice V. F. Berkeley, until after Massena’s retreat to Santarem.

The Zealous was next employed in cruising off the Azores: and afterwards on the North Sea and Baltic stations. In Jan. 1813, we find Mr. Graham retiring on half-pay for the purpose of attending to his private affairs. His subsequent ap-