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tious omen; it betokens lawsuits, poverty, disgrace, strife, and a general failure in the pursuit of your projects; in love, it denotes a happy marriage with the object of your affections, and that you will become, by industry, rich, and settle your children happy.

LETTERS. To dream of receiving letters, is demonstrative of your being beloved by a person of the opposite sex, who is very much your friend, and will do all in their power to render you happy. To dream of writing letters, shows success in enterprises, and that you will receive some very pleasant news.

LIGHT. To dream you see a great light is a happy presage. It denotes that you will attain to great honours, and become very rich; in love, it shows a sweetheart of an amiable disposition, that you will marry well, have children, and be very happy; if the light disappears all of a sudden, it betokens a great change in your present situation, much for the worse; it portend imprisonment, and loss of goods, with unexpected misfortunes.

LINEN. To dream you are dressed in clean linen, denotes that you will shortly receive some glad tidings -that your sweetheart is faithful, and will marry you -that you will be successful in all your present under takings, and that you will receive a handsome present from an agreeable youth; if your linen is chequered. you will get a legacy from some friend, and marry very industrious person; if it is dirty, then it denotes poverty, a prison, and disappointment in love, with the loss of something valuable.

LION. Denotes injury by a great person.

LOOKING-GLASS. To the single, lovers; to the married, children.

MARRIAGE. To dream you are married, is ominous of death, and very unfavourable to the dreamer; it de notes poverty, a prison, and misfortunes. To dream you assist at a wedding, is the forerunner of some pleasant news, and great success. To dream of lying with you newly married husband or wife, threatens danger of sudden misfortunes, and also that you will lose a part of your property. To the sailor, it augurs storms and shipwrecks, with a narrow escape from death.

MILK. To dream you are selling milk, denotes that