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that you are going to be hanged yourself denotes that you will rise above your present condition by marriage.

HILLS. To dream of travelling over steep hills, shows that you will encounter many difficulties, and enter upon some arduous undertaking: if you descend the hill hastily, you will get the better of all your difficulties and enemies, and become rich; to the lover, it shows rivals, who will give great uneasiness.

HORSES. To dream of horses is very lucky.

HOUSE. To dream of building a house is a very favourable omen; if you are in trade, it denotes success; if in love, that your sweetheart is good tempered and faithful, and will make you very happy. To dream your house is burnt down, denotes much trouble and many difficulties, with the loss of goods and reputation. To dream you see your house on fire, foretells hasty news, and that you will lose a near relation.

HUNTING. To dream you are hunting a fox, and that he is killed, shows much trouble through the pretensions of false friends, but that you will discover them, and overcome all their machinations; if you are hunting hare, it is indicative of bad success: you will be disappointed in your favourite object, be what it may; hunting a stag, if he is caught alive, denotes good to the dreamer, and that he will be successful in all his present undertakings.

ICE. A favourable omen.

INFANTS. Cares and obstructions.

KEYS. To dream of keys, is favourable to a person in trade; and to a sailor, they denote some gift, and the dreamer will become rich. To dream you lose a key, foreshows anger, and that you will lose a friend. To dream of finding a key, denotes an addition to your estate. If you are married, it also foretells the birth of a child: if you give another a key, you will be speedily married; in love, keys betoken faithfulness, and a good tempered sweetheart.

KING. To dream of speaking to the king, or any of the Royal family, is disappointments and difficulties.

KISSING. To dream you are kissing a pretty maid is good; it denotes that some unexpected friend will do you a great kindness.

KNIVES. To dream of knives is a very unpropi-