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and the sailor.-Raspberries denote fidelity and happiness in marriage.

FUNERAL. A speedy marriage.

GALLOWS. To dream of the gallows is a most fortunate omen; it shows that the dreamer will become rich, and arrive at great honours; to the lover, it shows the consummation of his most sanguine wishes; for a woman with child to dream of the gallows, signifies that she is pregnant of a son, will have a good time, and that the fruit of her womb will become very rich.

GARDEN. To dream you are walking in a garden is good; it portends elevation in fortune; to the lover, denotes great success; to the tradesman, increase of business.

GEESE. To dream of geese is good; expect soon to see a long absent friend; they denote success and riches.

GIANT. Is a very fortunate dream.

GIFTS. To dream you have anything given to you, is a sign that some good is about to happen to you; it also denotes that a speedy marriage will take place betwixt you and your sweetheart.

GLASS. To dream of glass is a sign of inconstancy, and denotes unsuccess in various undertakings.

GOLD. To dream of gold is a very good omen; it denotes success in your undertakings, after some difficulties.

GRAVE. To dream you see a grave, foretells sickness and disappointment; if you are in love, depend you will never marry your present sweetheart; if you go into the grave, it shows you will experience a loss of property, and that false friends will defame you; if you come out of the grave, it denotes success in your undertakings, that you will rise in the world, and become very rich; and if you are in love, that you will speedily marry your sweetheart; if you take another out of the grave, you will be the means of saving the life of a person, who will be a very great friend to you, and receive some unexpected legacy.

GUNS. Danger, shipwreck, &c.

HAIR. To dream you are combing your hair, portends success in love, business, or any other pursuit; also riches.

HANGED To dream you see people hanged, of