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is a very bad omen; to the tradesman, it denotes losses in trade, quarrelling with his creditors, and the loss of liberty; to the lover, it denotes that your sweetheart does not return your love; to the sailor, it indicates storms and shipwreck.

FOX. An enemy, or a deceitful woman.

FRIEND. To dream you see a friend dead, betokens hasty news of a joyous nature; if you are in love, it foretells a speedy marriage with the object of your affections.

FRUIT. To dream of fruit, has different interpretations, according to what the fruit is that you dream of. Apples betoken long life and success; a boy to a woman with child; cheerfulness in your sweetheart, and riches by trade. Cherries indicate disappointment in love, vexation in the marriage state, and slight in love. Figs are the forerunners of prosperity and happiness; to the lover, they denote the accomplishment of your wishes; to the tradesman, increase of trade; they are also indicative of a legacy. Gooseberries indicate many children, chiefly sons, and an accomplishment of your present pursuits; to the sailor, they declare dangers in his next voyage; to the maiden, a roving husband; and to the man, a rakish wife. Nuts, if you see clusters of them, denote riches and happiness; to the lover, success and a good tempered sweetheart. If you are gathering of them, it is not a good omen, for you will pursue some matter that will not turn out to your advantage; if you crack them, the person who courts you, or to whom you pay your addresses, will treat you with indifference, and be very unfaithful. Oranges are very bad omens; they forebode loss of goods and reputation, attacks from thieves, wounds, and fickleness in the object of your affections. Pears prefigure clevation in life, accumulation of riches and honour, success in undertakings, and constancy in love. If a woman with child dreams of them, she will have a girl who will marry one far above her rank before she is seventeen. Strawberries denote to women with child a good time, and a boy; to a maiden, speedy marriage with a man who will become rich, and make her happy; to a youth, they denote that his wife will be sweet tempered, and bring him many children, all boys; they foretell riches to the tradesman