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the present object of your affections. To the tradesman, it denotes decline of business; and to the sailor; storms and shipwreck.

FEASTING. To dream you are at a feast, denotes that you will meet with many disappointments, particularly in the thing which you are most anxious about: if in love, it denotes much uneasiness between sweethearts; and to those who are married, it foretells undutiful children, with many heavy losses.

FIELDS. To dream you are in green fields is a very favourable sign; in love, it denotes success and happiness.

FIGHTING. To dream you are fighting, denotes to the lover that you will lose the object of your affections through a foolish quarrel: it also forebodes much opposition to your wishes, with loss of character and property. After such a dream, I would advise the dreamer to quit his present situation, because such a dream indicates that you will not prosper in it; to the sailor, it denotes storms and shipwreck, with disappointment in love.

FIRE. To dream of the subtle elements, denotes health and happiness to the lover, marriage with the object of your affections, and many children: it also denotes that you will be very angry with some one on a trifling oceasion. To dream you see burning lights descending, as it were from heaven, is a very bad sign indeed; it portends some dreadful accident to the dreamer, such as being hanged, losing your head, having your brains dashed out, breaking your legs, getting into prison, or other strange accidents.

FISHING. To dream you are fishing, is a sign of success or trouble; if you catch any fish, success in business; if they slip out of your hand, it is a sign of some pretended friend who will deceive you.

FLEAS. To see them means disquiet.

FLYING. To dream you are flying, is a very excellent omen; it foretells elevation of fortune; that you will arrive at dignity in the state, and be happy. If you are in love, your sweetheart will be true to you, and if you marry, you will have many children.

FOREST. Signifies trouble.

FORTUNE. To dream you make a sudden fortune