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had a quarrel with a friend or sweetheart, it will be reconciled to your advantage; if you are in love, your sweetheart will marry you, and render you very happy; it denotes health, riches, and honour: if they are barking and snarling at you, then depend that enemies are secretly endeavouring to destroy your reputation and happiness; if you are in love, be careful of your present sweetheart; if you marry him or her, you will be unhappy and poor; if you dream they bite you, then it is a certain prognostic that you will experience some loss; if you are in love, your sweetheart will deceive you and make you very unhappy.

DOORS. Success in undertakings, if admitted.

DROWNING. To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned or drowning, portends good to the dreamer, and denotes that he will escape many difficulties, settle near his native place, marry, have children, and become happy and rich: to the lover, it denotes that your sweetheart is good tempered, and inclined to marry you. If you are a sailor, it foretells a favourable and a pleasant voyage.

DRUNKENNESS. Loss in business, but success in love.

EAGLES. Prosperity, riches, and honour.

EATING. To dream you are eating, is it very unfavourable omen; it portends disunion among your family, losses in trade, and disappointment in love- storms and shipwreck by sea. To dream you see others eating, is of a contrary tendency, and foretells success in all your present enterprises; if you marry the present object of your affections, that you will grow rich, be happy, and have dutiful children.

ELEPHANT. Fear and danger; sometimes riches.

ENEMY. When dreamt of, take care.

EYES. To dream you lose your eyes is a very infavourable omen; it denotes decay of circumstances, loss of friends, death of relations, and miscarriage in love. If a woman with child dreams of it, it denotes that the chill in her womb will be very unhappy, and before it arrives at years of maturity, lose its liberty.

FALL. To dream you fall from any high places, or from a tree, denotes loss of place and goody; if you are in love, it surely indicates that you will never marry