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COACH. To dream of riding in a coach, denotes idleness, pride; and the dreamer will die a beggar.

CORN. Profit and riches; small quantity, famine.

COWS. Signifies wealth and plenty.

CRUTCHES Sickness and misery.

DANCING. To dream you are dancing at a ball, wake, or entertainment, foretells that you will shortly receive some joyful news from an absent friend, and that you are about to inherit some unexpected legacy; it foretells success and happiness in love; that your sweetheart is kind and true, and will make you very happy in marriage; to the sailor, it denotes a pleasant and successful voyage; increase of children to married persons, and of business to those in trade.

DEATH. To dream you see this grim-looking bundle of bones, denotes happiness and long life, and you will be either speedily married yourself, or else assist at a wedding. To dream that you are dead, also denotes a Speedy marriage, and that you will be successful in all your undertakings; to those that are married, it foretells young children, and that they will be dutiful, and give you great comfort. To dream you see another person dead, denotes ill usage from friends; if you are in love, your sweetheart will prove false; if you are a farmer, you will lose money by horses, and be way-laid as you return from market.

DEVIL. To dream of this professed enemy to the human race, denotes that many dangers will threaten you, all of which you will overeome; it foretells of a lawsuit, in which your adversary will endeavour secretly to undermine you, nevertheless you will get the better of him, and put him to shame; if you are in love, it forebodes that some one is endeavouring to alienate the affections of your sweetheart, but will be unsuccessful ; to the tradesman, it denotes a great deal of business, attended with many troubles; to the poor, it denotes good employment; and to the sailor, a wife with a great sum of money.

DIGGING. Implies good.

DOGS. To dream of these domestic and faithful animals, has very different significations, according to the manner in which you soe them, if they fawn and fondle upon you, then it is a lucky omen; if you have