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of eating oysters, shows that she will be quickly married to a young man who will thrive much by industry, and have many children by her; to a man, it denotes that he will marry a real virgin, who will be very fond of him, and bring him many children.

PALM. To dream you are gathering palm, denotes plenty, riches, and success in undertakings, and is a very good omen indeed; to a married woman, it is a certain token of her bearing children; to a maid, it foretells a sudden marriage with the youth she loves, that she will have many children by him, and that she will live very happy in the married state.

PAPER. To dream of paper is a good omen; if it is quite clean, you will be very successful in your undertakings, marry the person you love, have good and dutiful children, and be very happy; if it is dirty and scribbled upon, then it shows temporary want, and some unpleasant altercation; if it is plainly written, you will receive hasty news of a good nature, make an advantageous bargain, and obtain some money by a legacy; if it appears rumpled and carelessly folded up, it shows that some difficulties will occur which will give you much pain; if it is neatly folded, you will obtain your favourite wish, be what it may.

PEACOCK. To dream of seeing this beautiful bird, is a very good omen; it denotes great success in trade; to a man—a very beautiful wife, much riches, and a good place; to a maid, a good and rich husband; to a widow, that she will be courted by one who will tell her many fine tales, without being sincere; it also denotes great prosperity by sea, and a handsome wife in a distant part.

PICTURES. To dream you are looking at beautiful pictures, foreshows that you will be allured by false appearances into some unprofitable concern, that you sill waste your time on some idle project, and that you will always be in pursuit of happiness without attaining it; in love, it denotes great pleasure in the enjoyment of the beloved object, it promises a handsome wife, a good husband, and beautiful children.

PIGEONS. To dream you see pigeons flying, imports hasty news of a pleasant nature, and great success in undertakings; they are very favourable to lovers, as