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they announce constancy in your sweetheart, but also that the person you love will be absent from you a long while on a journey; if your lover is at sea, they denote that he has a pleasant voyage, continues faithful, and will return rich.

PIT. To dream of falling into a deep pit, shows that some very heavy misfortune is about to attend you, that your sweetheart is false, and prefers another; to a sailor it forebodes some sad disaster at the next port you touch at. To dream you are in a pit, and that you climb out of it without much trouble, foreshows that you will have many enemies, and experience much trouble, but that you will overcome them, and surmount your difficulties, marry well, and become rich; to a sailor, it denotes that he will experience shipwreck, and be cast on a foreign shore, where he will be hospitably received, fall in love, marry a rich and handsome wife, quit the sea, and live at ease on the shore.

PLAYS. To dream you are at a play, is the forerunner of great good luck; it betokens great happiness in the marriage state, and very great success in business; to a maid, it shows speedy marriage with a young man, who will be very successful in business, and acquire riches and honours to make her very happy.

PLOUGH. Success in matrimony.

PURSE. To dream of finding a purse, is a very favourable omen; it denotes great happiness and un-looked-for prosperity; in love, it is the sure token of a speedy marriage, and the being dearly beloved by the object of your affections. To dream you lose your purse, shows the loss of a friend; in other respects, it denotes some pleasant adventure is about to happen to you, by which you will be the gainer; to the sailor, it denotes the loss of his sweetheart while at sea.

RACING. To dream you are running a race, is a token of good, presages much success in life, and that you will speedily hear some very joyful news; in love, if it denotes that you will conquer all your rivals, and be very happy in the union with the object of your affections. To dream you are riding a race, shows disappointment and anger, bad success in trade and in love; to a married woman, it denotes the loss of her husband's affections, and that her children will be in trouble.