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that you will meet with a perfidious friend, who will g very near to ruin you; it also betokens your bein shortly at a merry-making, where you must be carefu of quarrelling; if you do, it will turn out to your disadvantage; in love, it denotes your sweetheart to be of fiekle disposition, and little calculated to make you happy.

ROSES. To dream of roses in season, is a token o happiness and success. To dream of these or any other flowers, out of season, indicates sickness and disappointment.

SHAVING. Treachery in love.

SHEEP. To dream you see a flock of sheep feeding is a very favourable omen; it denotes success in life; to the lover, it indicates your sweetheart to be faithful, of an amiable temper, and inclined to marry you; in the married state, it denotes children, who will be very happy, become rich, and be great comforts in the evening of life; to the tradesman, it foretells increase of business, and accumulation of wealth; but also forewarns him that he has a servant unworthy of his confidence; to the sailor, nothing can be a greater sign of good luck, his next voyage will be pleasant and lucrative, and his sweetheart kind and true.

To dream you see them dispersing, and running away from you, shows that pretended friends are endeavouring to do you an injury, and that your children will meet with persecution and great troubles; in love, such a dream shows your sweetheart to be fiekle, and little calculated to make you happy. To dream you see sheep shearing, is indicative of loss of property and the affections of the person you love, also your liberty. To dream you are shearing them yourself, shows that you will gain an advantage over some person who meant to harm you, and that you will get the better of difficulties, and marry the object of your affections.

SHIPS. To sail in fine weather, success in life.

SHOES. New-success in life; if worn, the reverse.

SINGING. To dream you are singing, shows you will shortly hear some melancholy news.

SILVER To dream of silver, shows that false friends are about you; in love, it denotes falsehood in your sweetheart.